
Marvel App: A Crib Sheet for Front End Developers and Startup Owners

Marvel is a great way to speed up not only the design but also the development of your app. However, to make the most of it, make sure you know the tricks we reveal below.

August 31, 2021

You probably know that Marvel is a great tool for quick prototyping and hypothesis testing, especially if you provide web design and development services. However, when it comes to passing the design to front-end developers, there's a lot of peculiarities and pitfalls you should know before opening the Marvel document.

Handoff Mode Basics

Let's start with a few basics of the Handoff mode available for designers and developers.

When you open the Handoff mode, you can immediately notice two panels on the sides: the Layers panel on the left and the Inspector panel on the right.

Marvel app: The view in the Handoff mode
The view in the Handoff mode

Each element on the screen is introduced as a layer with its own properties defined in Inspector. Any information from Inspector can be copied with a click of a button.

It often happens that UI design agency experts use an illustration or a picture that covers a few of the elements, making them unclickable in the view. The only way to reach them (and see their parameters) then is through the Layers panel.

Marvel app: an example of the illustration layer covering the button
Since the confetti covers the button element, the only way to select that button is through Layers

Due to this, we have an internal rule to make the layer names as informative and clear as possible for quicker access.

On the right, we have the Inspector panel which shows the general properties of the project if no object/layer is selected. Most of the parameters are obvious: the size of the view, the background color, and format settings. In the Document Colors area, Marvel shows the colors already used in the view, yet we don't find it handy and usually hide it.

Marvel: upper part of general properties of the view
Upper part of general properties of the view

The list of fonts used in the view would also be much more useful if it allowed downloading the fonts lacking in your system.

The columns area allows showing the view grid and reveals the number of columns and their width. Notice that designers might not rely on this grid and thus it should not necessarily be used as a reference at all times.

Marvel app: Lower part of general properties of the screen
Lower part of general properties of the screen

Screen assets are the list of graphic resources you can download for your needs. The counter of assets reveals the formats and extensions your assets are available in, like .PNG, .JPG, etc. In our design department, we prepare as many outputs as we can for the sake of convenience.

Once you select any container/layer on the view, the Inspector panel will reveal the properties of the container. For instance, in the case of the button, you'll see its sizes, style, color, and shadow.

Marvel App: Inspector shows the properties of the selected button
Inspector shows the properties of the selected button

Let's say we selected a shape. By clicking it, you can notice its relation to the surrounding elements, as well as the distance to the edges of the view. The Inspector panel will reveal its basic properties – in our case, it is its sizes and fill color.

Marvel: By clicking the shape on the screen, you can see the distances to the screen edges
By clicking the shape on the screen, you can see the distances to the screen edges

In Inspector you can also find and copy the CSS code of the element if it proves to be useful for you.

Now let’s proceed to more specific aspects of Marvel important for web and app development engineers.

Marvel: Working With Shapes

Here's an example of three shapes with different properties.

Three different shapes in the Marvel app
Three different shapes in Marvel

The middle one has rounded corners, and you'll figure this through the Border Radius property in Inspector.


Marvel app: The shape of a square with rounded corners
The shape of a square with rounded corners

However, there might be situations when a designer was in a hurry and instead of making a round shape made a rectangle with the maxed border radius to make it look like a circle. A true circle won't have a border radius property.

Marvel app: A circle that is actually a rectangle
A circle that is actually a rectangle

Shapes usually have one color. But in design, we can add another color. In this case, the inspector will show two colors. The second color can also be transparent to some degree. You'll see the corresponding property in Inspector as well.

Marvel app: the Fills area reveals two colors, the second one is 24% transparent
The Fills area reveals two colors, the second one is 24% transparent

Shapes can also have borders. The inspector will report on the color, position, and weight of this border.

Marvel app: Properties of the circle with a border
Properties of the circle with a border

Marvel: Defining the Opacity

In Marvel, you can set the opacity for different elements. Inspector will show there's not only one fill color but also opacity applied.

Marvel: Opacity in the container properties
Opacity in the container properties

However, sometimes a UX/graphic design specialist might erroneously apply opacity to an element instead of a color. In this case, the opacity will be shown in the block properties, where you can easily miss it.

Marvel app:  Opacity is specified in the fill color of the text element
Opacity is specified in the fill color of the text element

Marvel: Types of Gradients

Gradients in Marvel can be linear, radial, or angular. Inspector reveals the type of the gradient used and shows the colors used for it.

Marvel: Three types of gradients
Three types of gradients

The angular gradient is used quite rarely but still will cause problems in code realisation since CSS does not have easy tools for that. In each particular case you'll need to find workarounds.

In general, often Marvel can't contain additional information that is important for developers. In this case we leave comments in Marvel.

Marvel: Ways to Represent Borders and Shadows

Borders can be designed in three different ways.

1) One layer is a container with a fill color and the border is a separate layer with its own size and fill color.

Marvel app: A rectangular with a border as a separate layer
A rectangular with a border as a separate layer

2) One block and a shadow 1 pixel\point high of a specific color. This is our preferable way as it is easier to operate with one block (to resize it, move it, copy it, and the whole info is one size). But you can decide how you're going to do that border.

Marvel app:  A rectangle with a regular shadow
A rectangle with a regular shadow

3) The same thing can be done through the inner shadow, a bit different tool.

Marvel app: A rectangle with an inner shadow
A rectangle with an inner shadow

Each designer might have their own way of doing it. However, in code, you can do it in your preferable way.

Notice that sometimes US/graphic design experts can apply a few shadows to a single block.

Marvel: Specifics of Text Layers

A text layer will have the next properties: properties, opacity(if applied), type color.

Marvel app: The Inspector view of the text element
The Inspector view of the text element

The type properties in Inspector are pretty self-explanatory but pay extra attention to letter spacing and line spacing. It is easy to forget them, yet if they're custom, the QA engineer will eventually come to you and report that different devices show the text in different ways. That's because letter spacing was not applied.

Line spacing is visually represented with the red line surrounding the text element.

Here are three text examples. Every text block has a container. In design, we cannot define the paddings. To pass block dimensions, we can use text containers. If it goes from one text margin to the other, it means we did not intend to have any parameters affecting the block responsiveness.

Marvel app: Three text blocks with different properties
Three text blocks with different properties

However, we can imply some limits the text should be placed within. For instance, we can set side margins or paddings. We can also set the maximum size of the text block.

Let’s say, we need to make a responsive input, when the input box increases along with the text. In the third case, the text should be within the set limits. In case the text doesn't fit the block, we need to decide on its behavior, whether the scroll gets enabled, or three dots are shown.

Another example. An app has a place for a text that should be struck through, underlined, or go in capitals at all times. In Marvel, the only way to specify such requirements is to leave a comment.

Marvel: A view of the button with the minimal width set
A view of the button with the minimal width set

Notice how paddings are set via the element. This block is bigger than the text demands it. That's because we set minimal width for it. For instance, the minimal width of the button is 100 points. So even if the button text is only one letter long, it will still be 100 points wide. But again, there is no way to convey this approach through Marvel directly. It should be described in the style guide and/or Marvel comments.

Marvel: Working With Images

We can pass images to Marvel in different ways.

Sometimes you can get the situation when you select the image but you see the turquoise contour that shows a completely different size.

Marvel: An image in the container
When you select the upper image, the selected area is much bigger

That means there are two independent layers: a container that works as a mask and an image that is put into this mask. In previous versions, Marvel would show it but now if you click the image you'll select the bitmap contour of the whole group only, hence its big size. To find out the actual specs of the block you'll need to select the corresponding container layer on the left.

Marvel:  An example of an image inserted into the container without the mask
An example of an image inserted into the container without the mask

Bottom line

There's no doubt Marvel speeds up startup app development processes. However, as with any tool, it has its own limitations that are best to be known before you start working with it.

And while some disadvantages can be easily addressed with comments inside Marvel, the design and development teams should eventually come to their own specific rules and way of communication when using it.

In our case, for instance, we often use styles (a feature available in most graphic editors) to apply sets of the same properties for different objects with one click. For the sake of convenience, we agreed to name and mention those styles in comments or layer names so that developers could leverage the same approach in code.

Still, we hope this little guide will help you make the most out of Marvel.

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